Saturday, February 6, 2010

Vegan Fringe Boots Has Anyone Seen A Vegan Version Of These Minnetonka Boots?

Has anyone seen a vegan version of these Minnetonka boots? - vegan fringe boots ...


  1. ★single serving friend★February 7, 2010 at 10:29 AM

    JC Penney has something, not just the band and has (one on the handle and had) no visible seams on the edges. I know because I was looking for a new pair of flat black boots. They are black and brown. The black is a vinyl / faux fur and suede brown is wrong. I think they stopped trademarks or AZ. If you're smart, you could buy a game poly-suede/vinyl stuff, plus their own margin of departure under the cuff. Otherwise, I would say stay in control and Altieri Payless or occasionally. In general, it is a little vegan in fashion as well.

  2. Try Walmart. They have all kinds of vegan shoes.

  3. Why do you want to eat your shoes?
